- The Impact of Visual Information in Chinese Characters: Evaluating Large Models’ Ability to Recognize and Utilize Radicals
Xiaofeng Wu, Karl Stratos, and Wei Xu
NAACL 2025 (long)
- Model Editing by Standard Fine-Tuning
Govind Gangadhar and Karl Stratos
Findings of ACL 2024 (short) [code]
- Seq2seq is All You Need for Coreference Resolution
Wenzheng Zhang, Sam Wiseman, and Karl Stratos
EMNLP 2023 (long) [code]
- Improving Multitask Retrieval by Promoting Task Specialization
Wenzheng Zhang, Chenyan Xiong, Karl Stratos, and Arnold Overwijk
TACL 2023 [code]
- EntQA: Entity Linking as Question Answering
Wenzheng Zhang, Wenyue Hua, and Karl Stratos
ICLR 2022 (spotlight) [code]
- NatCat: Weakly Supervised Text Classification with Naturally Annotated Resources
Zewei Chu, Karl Stratos, and Kevin Gimpel
AKBC 2021 [data/code]
- Data-to-text Generation by Splicing Together Nearest Neighbors
Sam Wiseman, Arturs Backurs, and Karl Stratos
EMNLP 2021 (long) [code]
- Corrected CBOW Performs as well as Skip-gram
Ozan Irsoy, Adrian Benton, and Karl Stratos
EMNLP 2021, Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP [code]
- Unsupervised Label Refinement Improves Dataless Text Classification
Zewei Chu, Karl Stratos, and Kevin Gimpel
Findings of ACL 2021 (long) [code]
- Understanding Hard Negatives in Noise Contrastive Estimation
Wenzheng Zhang and Karl Stratos
NAACL 2021 (long) [code]
- Fast and Effective Biomedical Entity Linking Using a Dual Encoder
Rajarshi Bhowmik, Karl Stratos, and Gerard de Melo
EACL 2021, Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis [code]
- Mining Knowledge for Natural Language Inference from Wikipedia Categories
Mingda Chen*, Zewei Chu*, Karl Stratos, and Kevin Gimpel
Findings of EMNLP 2020 (long) [data/code]
- Learning Discrete Structured Representations by Adversarially Maximizing Mutual Information
Karl Stratos and Sam Wiseman
ICML 2020 [code] [talk] [slides]
- Discrete Latent Variable Representations for Low-Resource Text Classification
Shuning Jin, Sam Wiseman, Karl Stratos and Karen Livescu
ACL 2020 (long) [code] [talk]
- Formal Limitations on the Measurement of Mutual Information
David McAllester and Karl Stratos
AISTATS 2020 [code] [talk] [slides]
- EntEval: A Holistic Evaluation Benchmark for Entity Representations
Mingda Chen*, Zewei Chu*, Yang Chen, Karl Stratos, Kevin Gimpel
EMNLP 2019 (long) [code]
- Label-Agnostic Sequence Labeling by Copying Nearest Neighbors
Sam Wiseman and Karl Stratos
ACL 2019 (short) [code]
- Mutual Information Maximization for Simple and Accurate Part-Of-Speech Induction
Karl Stratos
NAACL 2019 (long) [code] [slides]
- Compositional Morpheme Embeddings with Affixes as Functions and Stems as Arguments
Daniel Edmiston and Karl Stratos
ACL 2018, Workshop on Relevance of Linguistic Structure in Neural NLP
- A Sub-Character Architecture for Korean Language Processing
Karl Stratos
EMNLP 2017 (short) [code] [word embeddings]
- Entity Identification as Multitasking
Karl Stratos
EMNLP 2017, Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP [code]
- Reconstruction of Word Embeddings from Sub-Word Parameters
Karl Stratos
EMNLP 2017, Workshop on Subword and Character Level Models in NLP.
- Handling Large Structural Costs in Neural Networks with Slack Rescaling
Heejin Choi and Karl Stratos
ICML 2017, Workshop on Deep Structured Prediction
- Adversarial Adaptation of Synthetic or Stale Data
Young-Bum Kim, Karl Stratos, and Dongchan Kim
ACL 2017 (long)
- Domain Attention with an Ensemble of Experts
Young-Bum Kim, Karl Stratos, and Dongchan Kim
ACL 2017 (long)
- Frustratingly Easy Neural Domain Adaptation
Young-Bum Kim, Karl Stratos, and Ruhi Sarikaya
- Domainless Adaptation by Constrained Decoding on a Schema Lattice
Young-Bum Kim, Karl Stratos, and Ruhi Sarikaya
- Spectral Methods for Natural Language Processing
Karl Stratos
PhD Thesis 2016 [slides] [tutorial in part I]
- Unsupervised Part-Of-Speech Tagging with Anchor Hidden Markov Models
Karl Stratos, Michael Collins, and Daniel Hsu
TACL 2016 [code] [slides]
- Scalable Semi-Supervised Query Classification Using Matrix Sketching
Young-Bum Kim, Karl Stratos, and Ruhi Sarikaya
ACL 2016 (short)
- A Probabilistic Ranking Model for Audio Stream Retrieval
YoungHoon Jung, Jaehwan Koo, Karl Stratos, and Luca P. Carloni
ICMR 2016, MARMI Workshop
- Model-Based Word Embeddings from Decompositions of Count Matrices
Karl Stratos, Michael Collins, and Daniel Hsu
ACL 2015 (long) [code] [slides]
- New Transfer Learning Techniques for Disparate Label Sets
Young-Bum Kim, Karl Stratos, Ruhi Sarikaya, and Minwoo Jeong
ACL 2015 (long)
- Pre-training of Hidden-Unit CRFs
Young-Bum Kim, Karl Stratos, and Ruhi Sarikaya
ACL 2015 (short)
- Compact Lexicon Selection with Spectral Methods
Young-Bum Kim, Karl Stratos, Xiaohu Liu, and Ruhi Sarikaya
ACL 2015 (short)
- Simple Semi-Supervised POS Tagging
Karl Stratos and Michael Collins
NAACL 2015, Workshop on Vector Space Modeling [code] [word representations]
- Weakly Supervised Slot Tagging with Partially Labeled Sequences from Web Search Click Logs
Young-Bum Kim, Minwoo Jeong, Karl Stratos, and Ruhi Sarikaya
NAACL 2015 (long)
- LN-Annote: An Alternative Approach to Information Extraction from Emails using Locally-Customized Named-Entity Recognition
YoungHoon Jung, Karl Stratos, and Luca P. Carloni
WWW 2015
- A Spectral Algorithm for Learning Class-Based n-gram Models of Natural Language
Karl Stratos, Do-kyum Kim, Michael Collins, and Daniel Hsu
UAI 2014 [longer version] [CCA code] [clustering code]
- Spectral Learning of Latent-Variable PCFGs: Algorithms and Sample Complexity
Shay B. Cohen, Karl Stratos, Michael Collins, Dean P. Foster and Lyle Ungar
JMLR 2014
- Spectral Learning of Refinement HMMs
Karl Stratos, Alexander M. Rush, Shay B. Cohen, and Michael Collins
CoNLL 2013 [slides]
- Experiments with Spectral Learning of Latent-Variable PCFGs
Shay B. Cohen, Karl Stratos, Michael Collins, Dean Foster and Lyle Ungar
NAACL 2013 (long)
- Spectral Learning of Latent-Variable PCFGs
Shay B. Cohen, Karl Stratos, Michael Collins, Dean Foster and Lyle Ungar
ACL 2012 (long) [slides]
- Midge: Generating Image Descriptions From Computer Vision Detections
Margaret Mitchell, Xufeng Han, Jesse Dodge, Alyssa Mensch, Amit Goyal, Alex Berg, Kota Yamaguchi, Tamara Berg, Karl Stratos, and Hal Daumé III
EACL 2012 (ACL test-of-time paper award in 2022)
- Understanding and Predicting Importance in Images
Alexander C. Berg, Tamara L. Berg, Hal Daumé III, Jesse Dodge, Amit Goyal, Xufeng Han, Alyssa Mensch, Margaret Mitchell, Aneesh Sood, Karl Stratos, Kota Yamaguchi
CVPR 2012
- Episodic Logic: Natural Logic + Reasoning
Karl Stratos, Lenhart K. Schubert, and Jonathan Gordon
KEOD 2011
- Towards Adequate Knowledge and Natural Inference
Lenhart Schubert, Jonathan Gordon, Karl Stratos, and Adina Rubinoff
AAAI 2011, Fall Symposium on Advances in Cognitive Systems
© 2010–2025 Karl Stratos